This conference, hosted by the Center for International Business Valuation (CfIBV) and the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS), in collaboration with the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Studies (ICIRS), explores the impact of the pandemic on the valuation profession and provides a forum for practitioners, academic researchers, financial institutions, and policymakers to share lessons learned, best practices, trends, challenges, and opportunities. Even though the full impact of COVID-19 on the world economy will not be known until it is over, the effect is already being felt on the Gross Domestic Products of countries globally. According to the United States Congressional Research Service, the virus could trim global economic growth by 3.0% to 6.0% in 2020. Global trade could also fall by 13% to 32%. Plus, the economic fallout from the pandemic raised the risk of a global economic recession with high levels of unemployment. Performing business valuation during this period of time is a challenge because so much is unknown and these changes impact the baselines under which businesses are valued