Hi everyone,
Hope this blog finds you doing great. For this particular blog, I am very excited to discuss the launch in October at the IVSC World Conference in Dubai, the advanced training program in fair value of financial instruments. This training program is first of its kind in that it is an “Advanced Component” of the highly respected ICVS credential issued by the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS). This training program is also unique in that it requires the learning of the Python programming language. This course is over 80 hours in length and can be viewed on-line or via hybrid classes (a mixture of live and on-line). The assessments will require a passing of both multiple-choice questions and a valuation case study using Python. As readily discussed in prior blogs, the need for accurate fair value, and in particular, for financial instruments, is more important than ever as regulators are cracking down on questionable valuation practices and assumptions. It is hoped that this training program will help stem the tide. Until next time….
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